Ausstellungsergebnisdienst des DOESC
Europäische Ausstellungsergebnisse 

Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr. Wir bemühen uns, aktuell zu sein, sind dabei aber auf die Mithilfe unserer Mitglieder angewiesen. Herzlichen Dank an Alle, die uns dabei unterstützen.

Bitte anklicken und Sie gelangen zu den Resultaten der Ausstellungen in:

 Ergebnisse des Jahres 2000,  Ergebnisse des Jahres 2001, Ergebnisse des Jahres 2002 , Ergebnisse des Jahres 2003,
 Ergebnisse des Jahres 2004, CACIB Eindhoven/NL, 29.01.2005, CACIB Fribourg/CH, 12.02.2005, CACIB Fribourg/CH, 13.02.2005CAC Luxemburg/L, 20.02.2005, CACIB Zuid-Laren/NL, 06.03.2005, CACIB Graz/A, 06.03.2005CACIB Zagreb/HR, 19.03.2005CACIB Zagreb/HR, 20.03.2005, CACIB Luxemburg/L, 26.03.2005CACIB Leeuwarden/NL, 28.03.2005, CACIB Wieselburg/A, 10.04.2005, CACIB Goes/NL, 10.04.2005, CACIB Leiden/NL, 23.04.2005, CACIB Arnheim/NL, 14.05.2005 Euro OES Show/DK, 15.05.2005, CACIB St. Gallen/CH, 21.05.2005, CACIB St. Gallen/CH, 22.05.2005CACIB Berghem/NL, 27.05.2005, European Dog Show (FCI)/A, 03.06.2005Clubschau des OESCN/NL, 05.06.2005, CACIB Stettin/PL, 18.06.2005East of England/GB, 19-21.07.2005CACIB Liege/B, 23.07.2005, CACIB Bratislava/SLO, 20.08.2005, CACIB Bratislava/SLO, 21.08.2005, CACIB Innsbruck/A, 28.08.2005CACIB Rotterdam/NL, 28.08.2005CACIB Mlada Boleslav/CZ, 03.09.2005CACIB Maastricht/NL, 18.09.2005Clubschau Volta Mantovana/I, 18.09.2005, Clubschau Tulln/A, 01.10.2005, CACIB Tulln/A, 02.10.2005Clubschau Schöftland/CH, 02.10.2005,   

CACIB Wels/A, 04.12.2005

Richterin: Edith Soltesz (Österreich)     25 Hunde gemeldet / 23 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse  1/1
verspr. Fairlybears Another Great Spirit
(Reata`s  I`m Pixie x Pennylane Always in my Mind)
Jugendklasse  1/1
SG 1 Enrapted Canadian of Castle Country
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Enchant Talk of the Town)
Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Black Jack
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
V 2 Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
Offene Klasse 7/7
V 1 CACIB Aryakas Callipous BOB
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ch. Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
V 2 Res. CACIB Brinkley Shakespeare in Love 
(Ch. Barkshire`s Born in the USA with Brinkley x Ch. Brinkley Rosey Blue)
V 3 Velvet Feet Figaro
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Velvet Feet Bluebell)
V 4 Dulcet Fellow of Castle Country
(Ch. Lambluv`s Sound of Music x Enchant Talk of the Town)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 Wind of Change Danny de Vito
(Ch. Vainqueur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ytraviata aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)


Jugendklasse  3/3
V 1 CAC-J Enchant X-Piece Of Luck
(Ch. Enchant Stargazer Blue x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
V 2 Email for Dodo of Castle Country
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Enchant Talk of the Town)
V 3 Just Friend`s Impression
(Dangerfreak`s Roll The Dice x Ninepin`s Josie)
Zwischenklasse 4/4
V 1 CACIB Enchant Wisecracker Bell
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
V 2 Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
V 3 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Chupa Chups
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ch. Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light)
V 4 Velvet Feet Honeymoon
(Enchant Twilight Charmer x Venivici Angel for Velvet Feet)
Offene Klasse 4/3
V 1 Velvet Feet Gwendoline
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Venivici Angel for Velvet Feet)
SG 2 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
SG 3 Ytraviata aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. XMcLaren aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Forever Emily aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
Championklasse 2/1
V 1 Res. CACIB Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Everybody`s Darling aus dem Rotmaintal)

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Clubschau Schöftland/CH, 02.10.2005

Richterin: Brigitte Schjöth (Dänemark)    41 Hunde gemeldet / 41 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse  1/1
vv Playboy von den Auenwiesen Bester Jüngstenklasse Hund
(Ch. Noble Man of Roseville x Amanda von der Roten Welle)
Jugendklasse  2/2
V 1 Polar Star of Roseville   Bester Jugendklasse Hund
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
SG 2 Sieg Selection`s Especially for You
(Nabucco of Roseville x Sieg`s Selection`s Dazzling Star)
Championklasse  4/4
V 1 CAC Manrose Power of Love Bester Rüde, Bester in der Schweiz gezüchteter Rüde
(Ch. Hibray Action Replay x Ch. Vigilat`s Unique Yazzy Manrose)
V 2 Res. CAC Noble Man of Roseville
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Liberty of Roseville)
V 3 All in One Da Quinta D`Abroeira 
(Ch. Sparkle Square`s Last Gossip x Ch. Layla Da Quinta D`Abroeira)
V 4 Scamp Believed Tramp from Clear Spring
(Humphrey Boggart de Claire Source x Insensee de Claire Source)
Offene Klasse 8/8 
V 1 Velvet Feet Figaro
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Velvet Feet Bluebell)
V 2 Nabucco of Roseville
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Liberty of Roseville)
V 3 Neptun of Roseville
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Liberty of Roseville)
V 4 Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata´s Class 2000 x Ch. Zottel`s Yours Truly)
Veteranenklasse  1/1
SG 1 Ch. Pennylane Vangelis
(Ch. Lamedazottel Heaven Knows Bahlambs x Ch. Pennylane Feeling)
Amateurklasse 5/5 
V 1 Velvet Feet Heartbreaker Bester Amateur 
(Enchant Twilight Charmer x Venivici Angel for Velvet Feet)
V 2 Venivici Boyzone
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Pennylane Laguna di Lenti)
V 3 Argovian City Slicker
(Krisendaw Silver Steel at Shaggylands x Ch. Pennylane Love`n Kisses)
V 4 Amor aus dem Rotmaintal
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silver Bear Göd Ninoschka)


Puppyklasse 2/2
1.Platz VeeJee of Fool`s Paradise Bestes Puppy
(Ch. All in One Da Quinta D`Abroeira x Ch. Zjin Zjin of Snowboot Bears)
2. Platz Velvet Feet Joy
(Enchant Twilight Charmer x Velvet Feet First Lady)
Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv Amie Stewart Czech It Out
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Zottel`s Elegance)
Jugendklasse 4/4
V 1 Kalla Duna of Bear Lake
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Flirty Beauty of Bear Lake)
V 2 Dreamdancer`s Emotion from Clear Spring
(Ch. Zollfreiaus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Dreamdancer`s Bopper Girl)
V 3 Pixie of Roseville 
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
SG 4 Meadow Breeze Xtreme Lovely Eve
(Ch. Scramp Believed Tramp from Clear Spring x Meadow Breeze That`s Slyboots)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC Venivici Dolce Vita Beste Hündin, Beste in der Schweiz gezüchtete Hündin, BOB & Clubsieger 2005
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Offene Klasse 6/6
V 1 Res. CAC Argovian Emotional Affair
(Ch. Lambluv`s Sound of Music x Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom)
V 2 Velvet Feet Gwendoline
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Venivici Angel for Velvet Feet)
V 3 Venivici Fame of Glory
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
V 4 Meadow Breeze Very Sensational
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Meadow Breeze That`s Slyboots)
Veteranenklasse 5/5
V 1 Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss Veteranensieger
(Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland x Ch. Pennylane Love`N Kisses)
V 2 Ch. Vigilat`s Unique Yazzy Manrose
(Ch. Vigilat´s Quick Dustin x Vigilat`s Sunshine Flower)
V 3 Pennylane Vielille Prune
(Ch. Lamedazottel Heaven Knows Bahlambs x Ch. Pennylane Feeling)
V 4 Carol aus der Alten Noris
(Ch. Dangerfreak`s Van Damme x Ch. Jingle Bell aus der Alten Noris)
Amateurklasse 1/1
V 1 Meadow Breeze New Sunrise
(Meadow Breeze Falstaff Sir John x Kö-Pi`s 599 U-Asti in Memory)

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CACIB Tulln/A, 02.10.2005

Richterin: Christina Bailey (England)        25 Hunde gemeldet / 22 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse  2/2
vv Fairlybears Across my Heart
(Reata`s  I`m Pixie x Pennylane Always in my Mind)
vv Fairlybears Another Great Spirit
(Reata`s  I`m Pixie x Pennylane Always in my Mind)
Jugendklasse  2/2
V 1 CAC-J Samson von den Blue Zottel`s
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s)
SG 2 Enrapted Canadian of Castle Country
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Enchant Talk of the Town)
Zwischenklasse 4/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Aryakas Callipous
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ch. Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
V 2 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Black Jack
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
V 3 Silvery Bear Göd Scout
(Happy Panda´s Sound of Silence x Silvery Bear Göd Moonflower)
Offene Klasse 3/1
V 1 Enchant Trendsetter Blue
(Ch. Enchant Happy Heartbreaker x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
Championklasse 3/3
V 1 CACIB Bugaboo`s Big Puffy Daddy  BOB, BIG & BIS
(Ch. Beaumonts Blame It On Bugaboo x Ch. Bugaboo`s Be Style`n)
V 2 Elvis vom Elsterufer 
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Asita vom Elsterufer)
V 3 Venivici Da Vinci
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)


Jugendklasse 4/4
V 1 CAC-J Shaggy Blue Bob`s Chart Breaker
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ch. Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light)
V 2 Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
SG 3 Just Friend`s Impression
(Dangerfreak`s Roll The Dice x Ninepin`s Josie)
SG 4 Arielle vom Hause Neubauer
(Barking Bobby`s Right Said Fred x Fiona von den Mammutbäumen)
Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
V 2 Tutti Frutti Obsession 
(Ch. Tutti Frutti Paperback Writer x Tutti Frutti Black Label)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s  
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
V 2 Poetry in Motion aus der Alten Noris
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Hey Jude aus der Alten Noris)
Championklasse 3/3
V 1 CACIB Bambi vom Elsterufer 
(Ch. Pablo Picasso aus der Alten Noris x Uranka aus dem Hundewald)
V 2 Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
SG 3 Just Friends Daisychain
(Ch. Dangerfreak`s Van Damme x Just Friends Covergirl)

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Clubschau Tulln/A, 01.10.2005

Richterin: Brigitte Bregenzer (Österreich)      17 Hunde gemeldet / 17 anwesend


Jugendklasse  1/1
V 1 CAC-J Samson von den Blue Zottel`s
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s)
Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 CAC Silvery Bear Göd Scout
(Happy Panda´s Sound of Silence x Silvery Bear Göd Moonflower)
SG 2 Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
Offene Klasse 4/4
V 1 CAC Aryakas Callipous Clubsieger
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ch. Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
V 2 Dulcet Fellow of Castle Country
(Ch. Lambluv`s Sound of Music x Enchant Talk of the Town)
V 3 Barking Bobby`s Right Said Fred  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
V 4 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Black Jack
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC Venivici Da Vinci
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)


Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv Ame Stewart Czech It Out
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Zottel`s Elegance)
Jugendklasse  3/3
V 1 CAC-J Email for Dodo of Castle Country
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Enchant Talk of the Town)
V 2 Just Friend`s Impression
(Dangerfreak`s Roll The Dice x Ninepin`s Josie)
V 3 Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1CAC Tutti Frutti Obsession 
(Ch. Tutti Frutti Paperback Writer x Tutti Frutti Black Label)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1CAC Shaggy Blue Bob`s Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
V 2 Aylabear`s Dreamcatcher
(Ch. Trademark´s Stop``n Stare x Ch. Aylabear`s After Daybreak Thyme)
Ehrenklasse 1/1
1.Platz Just Friends Daisychain
(Ch. Dangerfreak`s Van Damme x Just Friends Covergirl)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC Dangerfreak`s Quite One Vision Clubsiegerin
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Dangerfreak`s I Believe I Can Fly)

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Clubschau Volta Mantovana/I, 18.09.2005

Richterin: Jenny Joice (England)    49 Hunde gemeldet / 37 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse 3/2
vv Romantic Revolution Dei Nobilpazzi  Best Puppy in Show
(Ch. Futuro dei Nobilpazzi x Nobelprize dei Nobilpazzi)
vv Ready for Reward Dei Nobilpazzi
(Ch. Futuro dei Nobilpazzi x Nobelprize dei Nobilpazzi)
Jugendklasse (9-12 Monate) 1/1
V 1 Questo E` Uno Dei Nobilpazzi
(Number 1 dei Nobilpazzi x Grangalà dei Nobilpazzi)
Jugendklasse (12-18 Monate) 2/2
V 1 Polar Star of Roseville   Bester Jugendklasse Hund
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
V 2 Peter Pan Di Zuccherino
(Ch. Tutti frutti Paper Back Writer x Ch. E` Quasi Magia di Zuccherino)
Offene Klasse 9/9
V 1 CAC Boss Dolcevita Golden Years    Clubsieger & BOS
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Craker x Ch. Dolcevita dei Nobilpazzi)
V 2 Number 1 Dei Nobilpazzi
(Ch. Zottel’s Xmas Cracker x Ch. Reata’s Anatomy)
V 3 Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
V 4 Yoghy Little Bear
(Miele Dolce Brio x Ch. Hoinmentesolo Eva di Zuccherino)
Armateurklasse 2/2
SG 1 Miele Dolce Brio
(Tutti Frutti Under my Thumb x Colibri Brio)
SG 2 Pluche and Sons Charleston
(Ch. Vigilat`s Xmas Present Jago x Ch. Fairyland Morgana)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC Lucio Battisti Di Zuccherino
(Ch. Tutti Frutti Paperback Writer x Ch. Venere di Zuccherino)
Veteranenklasse 2/1
1. Platz Ch.Argovian A Step Back The Roots
(Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland x Ch. Pennylane Love`n Kisses)


Babyklasse 1/1
vv Ame Stewart Czech It Out
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Zottel`s Elegance)
Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv Maggie
(Ch. Forge Roller Artur x Leila)
Jugendklasse (9-12 Monate) 6/1
SG 1 Desy Camilla
(Ch. Forge Roller Artur x Pelle d`Oro G.)
Jugendklasse (12-18 Monate) 1/1
SG 1 Pixie of Roseville  Bester Junghund in Show
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
Offene Klasse 15/11
V 1 CAC Ch. Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland  Clubsiegerin & Best in Show
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland)
V 2 Ch. Venivici Dolce Vita
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
V 3 Zelda E` Qui
(Ch. Duke dell`Ossidiana x Ch. Opheline Puppy Love)
V 4 Agnese Della Ghirlanda
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Catwoman)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 Anais Anais
(Ch. Futuro die Nobilpazzi x Ch. Dolcevita dei Nobilpazzi)
Veteranenklasse 3/2
1. Platz Kristy
(Alvin x Rackereszturi Bernadet)
2.Platz Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss
(Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland x Ch. Pennylane Love`N Kisses)
Championklasse (Älterer Hund) 1/1
V 1 Ch. Reata`s Anatomy
(Ch. Lamedazottel`s High`n Mighty x Ch. Lamedazottel`s Kiss Me Quick)

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CACIB Maastricht/NL, 18.09.2005

Richter: A.R.R. Doedijns (Niederlande)    13 Hunde gemeldet / 12 anwesend


Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
V 2 Cartouche of Snowboot Bears  
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Zamaya of Snowboot Bears)
Jongehondeklasse 1/1
V 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd 
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)


Offene Klasse 2/1
V 1 All The Best of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Reata`s Como las Condes x Ch. Vampy Girl of Snowboot Bears)
Jongehondeklasse 5/5
V 1 CACIB Creditcard aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal  BOB
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Now Available aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Res. CACIB Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 3 Trackery Island`s Odessa
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Trackery Island`s Madonna)
SG 4 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
Jugendklasse  2/2
SG 1 Dolly Dot of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Quincee Jones of Fool`s Paradise x Zamaya of Snowboot Bears)
SG 2 Family Friend Hopelessy Addicted  
(Ch.  Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Dazzling Dodger`s Luna Tic)

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CACIB Mlada Boleslav/CZ, 03.09.2005

Richter: Pedro Sanchez (Portugal)        17 Hunde gemeldet / 16 anwesend


Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Aryakas Callipous
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ch. Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
V 2 Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 Elvis vom Elsterufer 
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Asita vom Elsterufer)
V 2 Efendy od Chmelovèho Stoku
(Ch. Made in Heaven of Mary People x Coco Chanel od Chmelovèho Stoku)
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Crystabelle`s American Pie
(Ch. Zottel`s X-mas Cracker x Crystabelle`s Talisman Dream)
V 2 All For You Kaynara
(Ch. Familytree Deep Blue Sea x Silvery Bear Göd Joceline)
V 3 Bobby Clown`s Curious Clown
(Danish Delight Sophie`s Dirty Harry x Bobby Clown`s Always My Angel)


Jugendklasse  5/5
V 1 CAC-J Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
V 2 Matylda Kudlay Tramp
(Ch. Made in Heaven of Mary People x Ch. Rashn Feiri-Teil Yulita)
V 3 Dolly ze Stribrnè Stranè
(Ch. Enchant Stargazer Blue x Claire ze Stribrnè Strànè)
V 4 Antonie od Proseckè Skàly
(Anthony od Chumbàrku x Camilla ze Stribrnè Strànè)
Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Katie Scarlett Modry Kanon
(Ch. Made in Heaven of Mary People x Ch. Allson od Chumbàrku)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Bambi vom Elsterufer BOB
(Ch. Pablo Picasso aus der Alten Noris x Uranka aus dem Hundewald)
V 2 Res. CACIB Agata z Udoli Stesti
(Ch. Santa Barbara`s Ambrosius x Andy v. Psiho Vina)
Offene Klasse 2/1
SG 1 Funny Lee od Chmelovèho Stoku
(Carlie ze Stribrnè strànè x Coco Chanel od Chmelovèho Stoku)

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CACIB Rotterdam/NL, 28.08.2005

Richter: R.Velez Pico (Puerto Rico)    21 Hunde gemeldet / 21 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse  2/2
vv Classy Hummer from Rocky's Desteney Best Puppy
vv Classy Shy from Rocky's Desteney
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Zottel`s Gi`me Five
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel´s Waltzing Matilda)
V 2 Call Me Blue of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Vampy Girl of Snowboot Bears)
V 3 Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
Jugendklasse  3/3
V 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Youandi Hugo Boss
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Youandi en Vogue)
V 3 Brwyn's Nikolaus
(Ch.Vigilat's Dear Tomte Tummetod x Bwryn's Bear On Snow Shoes)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB All in One Da Quinta D`Abroeira BOB & BIG
(Ch. Sparkle Square`s Last Gossip x Ch. Layla Da Quinta D`Abroeira)
V 2 Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd 
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)


Jüngstenklasse  1/1
vv Classy jazz from Rocky's Desteney
Offene Klasse 5/5
V 1 Youandi Limited Edition
(Ch. Shaggy Danes Sir Lancelot x Youandi Lots of Fun)
V 2 Glückselig for your Eyes only
(Ch. Y`Rigoletto aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Yetsetter aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 Image Unique Poetry in Motion
(Special Paint Sanka Wobbling Sound x Image Unique Against all Odds)
V 4 Trick or Treat of Fool´s Paradise
(Ch. Reata´s Como las Condos x Fool´s Pride of the Cuddle Corner)
Jongehondeklasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Creditcard aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal 
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Now Available aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
Jugendklasse  2/2
V 1 Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Dolly Dot of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Quincee Jones of Fool`s Paradise x Zamaya of Snowboot Bears)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Zottel`s Encore
(Ch. Zottel`s You Don`t Fool Me x Zottel´s Waltzing Matilda)
V 2 Uptown Girl of  Fool´s Paradise
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abroeira x Fool`s Pride of the Cuddle Corner)

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CACIB Innsbruck/A, 28.08.2005

Richterin: Barbara Müller (Schweiz)    20 Hunde gemeldet / 17 anwesend


Jugendklasse  2/2
V 1 CAC-J Enrapted Canadian of Castle Country
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Enchant Talk of the Town)
V 2 Samson von den Blue Zottel`s
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s)
Zwischenklasse 3/2
V 1 CACIB Brinkley Shakespeare in Love  BOB
(Ch. Barkshire`s Born in the USA with Brinkley x Ch. Brinkley Rosey Blue)
V 2 Silvery Bear Göd Scout
(Happy Panda´s Sound of Silence x Silvery Bear Göd Moonflower)
Championklasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Elvis vom Elsterufer 
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Asita vom Elsterufer)
V 2 Virunga Alike Sir Yvanhoe
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Xvirunga aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo
(Ch. Lambluv Desert Dancer x Ch. Tumbleweed Scandalous Affair)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Enchant Trendsetter Blue
(Ch. Enchant Happy Heartbreaker x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
V 2 Venivici Da Vinci
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)


Jugendklasse  3/2
V 1 CAC-J Just Friend`s Impression
(Dangerfreak`s Roll The Dice x Ninepin`s Josie)
V 2 Pole-Position`s Kind of Magic
(Dangerfreak`s Fancy Man x Pole-Position´s Glamour Girl)
Zwischenklasse 2/1
V 1 Tutti Frutti Obsession 
(Ch. Tutti Frutti Paperback Writer x Tutti Frutti Black Label)
Championklasse 3/3
V 1 CACIB Bambi vom Elsterufer 
(Ch. Pablo Picasso aus der Alten Noris x Uranka aus dem Hundewald)
V 2 Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Everybody`s Darling aus dem Rotmaintal)
V 3 Dangerfreak`s Quite One Vision
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Dangerfreak`s I Believe I Can Fly)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Sweety von der Zollgasse 
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zuschi aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Very Nice aus dem Rotmaintal 
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Now or Never aus dem Rotmaintal)

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CACIB Bratislava/SLO, 21.08.2005

Richter: Piotr Sliwka (Polen)    10 Hunde gemeldet / 8 anwesend


Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Res. CACIB Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
Offene Klasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Aryakas Callipous BOB
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ch. Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
Championklasse 1/0


Jugendklasse 2/2
V 1 Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   Jugendbeste
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
V 2 Just Friend`s Impression
(Dangerfreak`s Roll The Dice x Ninepin`s Josie)
Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Enchant Wisecracker Bell
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
V 2 Shaggy Blue Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
Offene Klasse 1/0
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
V 2 Just Friends Daisychain
(Ch. Dangerfreak`s Van Damme x Just Friends Covergirl)

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CACIB Bratislava/SLO, 20.08.2005

Richter:Denis Kuzelj (Slowakei)     11 Hunde gemeldet / 10 anwesend


Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
Offene Klasse 1/1
V 1 Res. CACIB Aryakas Callipous
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Rasputin von den Blue Zottel`s 
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäkchen Nina von den Blue Zottel`s)


Jugendklasse 2/1
V 1 Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   Jugendbeste
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Enchant Wisecracker Bell
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
V 2 Shaggy Blue Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s   BOB
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
V 2 Bottom Shaker Ariadne
(Ch. Beachboy Beau for Silver Whirlwind x Fan-Fell Jade)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
V 2 Just Friends Daisychain
(Ch. Dangerfreak`s Van Damme x Just Friends Covergirl)

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CACIB Liege/B, 23.07.2005

Richter: George Kraemer (Frankreich)        13 Hunde gemeldet / 12 anwesend


Jugendklasse 2/2
V 1 Dommel of Snowboot Bears Bester Junghund
(Ch. Reata`s Como Las Condes x Ch. Y`Wildthing of Snowboot Bears)
SG 2 Aspen of Ronda Sweets-Dreams
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Ch. Zixapril a.d. Elbe-Urstromtal)
Offene Klasse 1/0
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Dream of Paradise Blue Diamond  BOB
(Happy Panda’s Nicodemo x French Kiss from Beautiful Highland)


Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
Offene Klasse 5/5
V 1 CACIB Jil Mary People Modry Kanon
(Ch. Larthur Rimbaud of Mary People x Ch. Alison Od Chumbarku)
V 2 All The Best of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Reata’s Como Las Condes x Ch. Vampy Girl of Snowboot Bears)
V 3 Youandi Live Life To The Max
(Ch. Allmark Ralph Lauren x Youandi Femme Fatale)
V 4 Sparkle Square`s Fashion Award
(Ch. Trademark`s Stop `N Stare x Ch. Trademark`s Dressed To Impress)
Championklasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Tiamor Du Domaine Des Lann Breiz
(Ch. Rock N Bob Red Hot Chili Peppers x Norman Jean Baker of Mary People)
V 2 Dream of Paradise Bittersweet Memorie
(Happy Panda’s Nicodemo x French Kiss from Beautiful Highland)
V 3 Zixapril aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Uno di Uno a.d. Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Now Available a.d. Elbe-Urstromtal)

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East of England/GB, 19-21.07.2005

Richterin: Pamela Thomes (England)


Puppy Dog 3/1
1st Beauvallon Barnstormer
(Beauvallon Philanderer x Mellowdee Mamamia of Beauvallon)
Post Grad Dog 7/6
1st Oakfarm Dream a Little Dream at Kindamagic
(Ch. Brinkley Jack the Lad x Ch. Oakfarm Opalescent)
2nd Gojolega Ready to Rumble
(Ch. Shimorill Look at Me x Ch. Gojolega Proud Alice)
3rd Clenmaen Will O The Wisp
(Ch.Zottel's You don't fool me X Brinkley Dancing Queen of Clenmaen)
Res Ambleoak Inspector Morse for Brushstroke
(Eynhalow Ghost Dance x Kayahsi Dreams are free)
Limit Dog 7/6
1st Res. CC Gillijen the Professional
(Ch. Hibray Action Replay x Gillijen Miss Ginola)
2nd Sumirick Beam Me Up Scotty
(Oakfarm Crackerjack x Ambashan Peggy Sue)
3rd Aranadur Another Hero
(Oldoak Commitment x Sibresha That´s Life of Aranadur)
Res Oakfarm Oswald of Nordicblue Naf
(Ch. Brinkley Jack The Lad x Ch. Oakfarm Opalescent)
Open Dog 7/1
1st CC Ch. Macopa Dark N Stormy
(Macopa Vadica Vadoza x Mophill Misbehave at Macopa)
2nd Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan
(Ch. Danish Delight Sophie`s Dutch Joker x Ch. Reata`s Arvantgarde)
3rd Ch.Argovian A Step Back The Roots
(Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland x Ch. Pennylane Love`n Kisses)
Res Paintaway Big Brother
(Dalewood Down Under x Paintaway English Rose)


Puppy Bitch 10/9
1st Bovaron Touch Of Magic Naf Best Puppy
(Ch. Barkshire's Born in the USA with Brinkley x Bovaron I had a dream)
2nd Meisan Roly Poly Angelica
(Jeddep Bettabelieveit for Crysauster x Carave Career Girl at Meisan)
3rd Howander Precious Model for Jeddep
(Jeddep Bettabelieveit for Crysauster x Miss Fizz Ruby at Howander)
Res Beavallon South Sea Bubble
(Half'n' Half on the Bounty x Beauvallon Love Potion)
Junior Bitch 5/4
1st Charmlea Lover`s Delight
(Charmlea Stay with me x Charmlea Dragons Delight at Amblehay)
2nd Meisan Moonlight Serenade
(Jeddep Bettabelieveit for Crysauster x Carave Career Girl at Meisan)
3rd Amblehart Sachertorte
(Amblehart Arch Chancellor x Zottel't Copyright)
Res Holanja Suzi Q
(Ch. Barkshire's Born in the USA x Oldoak Lady Holly at Holanja)
Graduate Bitch 1/1
1st Half N Half Hot Topic
(Mellowdee Making Whoopi x Half N Half Dolly Mixture)
Post Grad Bitch 6/5
1st Bovaron Pennies from Heaven at HalfnHalf
(Halfnhalf On the Bounty x Ch. Bovaron I Had A Dream)
2nd Stourvale Songbird
(Halfnhalf On the Bounty x Ch. Charmles Wear it well at Stourvale)
3rd Half N Half Hot Topic
(Mellowdee Making Whoopi x Half N Half Dolly Mixture)
Res Dalewood Been There Dun That for Lakenham
(Eynhallow Ghost Dance x Dalewood Goodie Two Shoes)
Limit Bitch 3/3
1st Res. CC Kerjalee Silver Laces at Wookeyhill
(Krisendaw Silver Steel at Shaggylands x Kerjalee La La´s Moments)
2nd Mopill Something Amazing
(Ch.Macopa Dark N Stormy x Mophill April Showers)
3rd Oldaok Maggie May
(Oldoak Wild Card x Oldoak I Believe)
Open Bitch 8/6
1st  CC Ch. Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland  BOB
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland)
2nd Ch. Henley Dancing Belle
(Fitzwilly Twist'n' Shout x Henley Dream Belle)
3rd Auldhelm My Gift to Cillastyle
(Ch. Brinkley Heartbreaker of Beauvallon x Auldhelm by Special Request)
Res Greyfell Rhythm of the Dance
(Ch. Mellowdee Mister Magical x Dalewood Darcey Bussell at Greyfell)

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CACIB Stettin/PL, 18.06.2005

Richterin: Barbara Müller (Schweiz)        10 Hunde gemeldet / 10 anwesend


Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC-J Leon Kudlaty Tramp
(Ch. Fan-Fell Overnight Sensation x Ch. Kornelia Kudlaty Tramp)
Offene Klasse 1/1
V 1 Res. CACIB Crystabelle`s American Pie
(Ch. Zottel`s X-mas Cracker x Crystabelle`s Talisman Dream)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Elvis vom Elsterufer BOS
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Asita vom Elsterufer)
V 2 Angel Balboa from Stone`s  
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Bambi vom Elsterufer)


Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC-J Sound Solution from Me To You Jugendsieger Stettin
(Ch. Manrose Power of Love x Ch. Argovian Cinnamon Delight)
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Angel Bonita from Stone`s  
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Bambi vom Elsterufer)
V 2 Queen vom Tannenkamp
(Ch. Uno di Uno aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Nanny vom Tannenkamp)
SG 3 Alabama Rwetes
(Ch. Zatopek aus dem Elbe Urstromtal X Izyda Tesalii Millanion)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Ch. Bambi vom Elsterufer  BOB & 3.BIG
(Ch. Pablo Picasso aus der Alten Noris x Uranka aus dem Hundewald)
V 2 Junona Pontica Millanion
(Ch.Reata´s A1x Ch. Heraklea Pontica Millanion)

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Clubschau des OESCN/NL, 05.06.2005

Richterin:  Ronnie Burns (England)


vv Brwyn's Nikolaus
(Vigilat's Dear Tomte Tummetod x Bwryn's Bear On Snow Shoes)
vv Brwyn's Sankt Nikolaus
(Vigilat's Dear Tomte Tummetod x Bwryn's Bear On Snow Shoes)
Offene Klasse
V 1 CAC Ch. Rasputin von den Blue Zottels CAC, BOB, Clubwinner 2005
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Nesthäkchen Nina von den Blue Zottel`s)
V 2 Born to Be Wild from Rocky's Desteney
(I'm A Crazy Boy of the Wobbling Sound x Bottom Shaker Revolution)
V 3 Vigilat's Casey Canoodle
(Vigilat's Xmas Present Jago x Wiggletail's for Auld Lang Syne)
V 1 Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
V 2 Pure Nature Empactial Present
(Happy Panda`s Old Father Time x Mija Podruga Empactial Present)
V 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Doodles of the Twinkle Tails
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Dirty)
V 3 Xray of the Naughty Woolsacks
(Ch. Trackery Island`s Gizmo's son Gipsy x Maike of the Naughty Woolsacks)
V 1 Res. CAC Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd 
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
V 2 Ch. Image Unique on the Road Again
(Youandi Hit the Road x Image Unique Amazing Dusty)
V 1 Ch. Sweet Expression`s Ali Baba
(Ch. Stonebrook California Breeze x Sweet Expressions True Treasure)


vv Brwyn's Jultomten  Best Puppy
(Vigilat's Dear Tomte Tummetod x Bwryn's Bear On Snow Shoes)
Offene Klasse
V 1 CAC Arconina of Snowboot Bears BOS
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Qitina of Snowboot Bears)
V 2 Res. CAC Sweet Expression`s As Good as it Gets
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Miss Moneypenny can`t Take it Easy)
V 3 Sparkle Square´s To The Point
(Dizzny`s Artulf Dodger x Ch. Trademark`s Dressed to Impress)
V 4 Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland)
V 1 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
V 2 Sweet Expression´s Circus Circus 
(Ch. Drover´s Special Edition x Miss Moneypenny Can`t Take it Easy)
V 3 Image Unique Poetry in Motion
(Special Paint Sanka Wobbling Sound x Image Unique Against all Odds)
V 4 Sweet Expression's Diddenwacker
(Ch. Drover Take My World x Ch. Sweet Expression's Say Cheese)
V 1 Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Sweet Expression's Flirts the Judge
(Ch. Elvis von Elsternfer x Miss Moneypenny Can't Take it Easy)
V 2 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
SG 4 Youandi Laura Ashley
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Youandi En Vogue) 
V 1 Sweet Expression`s As You Can See
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Miss Moneypenny can`t Take it Easy)
V 2 All The Best of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Reata`s Como las Condes x Ch. Vampy Girl of Snowboot Bears)
V 3 Shagaragged Chanoine
(Dizzny's Artfull Dodger x Bright Bears Bellefon) 
V 1 Brwyn`s Who Wants to Live Forever
(Saphir Kehr Fully Amid x Kadootje van Kehr Fully Maid)
V 2 Ch. Latina Lavigi
(Ch. Vigilat`s Quick Dustin x Ch. Lizzie Frizzie )

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European Dog Show (FCI)/A, 03.06.2005

Richterin: Maria Kavcic (Slowenien)        45 Hunde gemeldet / 42 anwesend


Jugendklasse 6/6
V 1 CAC-J Big Funny Jack Pot Europajugendsieger
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Big Funny Cheesy)
V 2 Reata`s Jimbo
(Ch. Lambluv`s Sound of Music x Ch. Reata`s Avantgarde)
V 3 Zottel`s Invincible
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
V 4 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Black Jack
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
Zwischenklasse 8/7
V 1 Aryakas Callipous
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
V 2 Argovian English Waltz at Kaynara
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom)
V 3 Oliver
(Roller Arthur x Pelle D`Oro G)
V 4 Brinkley Shakespeare in Love
(Ch. Barkshire`s Born in the USA with Brinkley x Ch. Brinkley Rosey Blue)
Offene Klasse 4/3
V 1 Greytoke`s Bohemian Rhapsody
(Ch. Reata`s A1  x Fan-Fell Grace)
V 2 Barking Bobby`s Right Said Fred  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
V 3 Aryakas Cosmo Junior
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Fan Fell Quality for Happiness)
Championklasse 5/5
V 1 CACIB Reata`s Cosmopolitan Europasieger, BOB & 2. BIG 
(Ch. Danish Delight Sophie`s Dutch Joker x Ch. Reata`s Arvantgarde)
V 2 Res. CACIB Bugaboo`s Big Puffy Daddy 
(Ch. Beaumonts Blame It On Bugaboo x Ch. Bugaboo`s Be Style`n)
V 3 Argovian A Step Back The Roots
(Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland x Ch. Pennylane Love`n Kisses)
V 4 Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo
(Ch. Lambluv Desert Dancer x Ch. Tumbleweed Scandalous Affair)
Veteranenklasse 2/2
1. Platz Karund Zhontan
(Oakfram Cool Runnings x Karund Zhu Zhu)
2. Platz Forge Rollter Artur
(Kavaxlaki Alex x Britianica Bluebrad)


Jüngstenklasse 2/2
verspr. Griland Beauty Bear 
(Ch. Reata`s Frequent Flyer x Karund Zhu Zhu)
verspr.  Just Friend`s Impression
(Dangerfreak`s Roll The Dice x Ninepin`s Josie)
Jugendklasse 4/3
V 1 CAC-J Enchant Wisecracker Bell Europajugendsiegerin
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
V 2 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Chart Breaker
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light)
V 3 Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
Zwischenklasse 5/5
V 1 CACIB Sweet Expression´s Circus Circus  Europasiegerin
(Ch. Drover´s Special Edition x Miss Moneypenny Can`t Take it Easy)
V 2 Aryakas Cayatis
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Fan Fell for Quality for Happiness)
V 3 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
V 4 Tutti Frutti Obsession
(Ch. Tutti Frutti Paperback Writer x Tutti Frutti Black Label)
Offene Klasse 6/6
V 1 Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
V 2 Agnese della Ghirlanda
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Catwoman)
V 3 Agata z Udoli Stesti
(Ch. Santa Barbara`s Ambrosius x Andy v. Psiho Vina)
V 4 Very Nice aus dem Rotmaintal 
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Now or Never aus dem Rotmaintal)
Championklasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Manrose Primadonna
(Ch. Hibray Action Replay x Ch. Vigilat`s Unique Yazzy Manrose)
V 2 I am First
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Karund Zhu Zhu)
V 3 Glorious Feeling from Beautiful Highland 
(Cathy`s Clown Call to Glorie x Ch. Fergie from Beautiful Highland)

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CACIB St. Gallen/CH, 22.05.2005

Richter: L. Pichard (Schweiz)        11 Hunde gemeldet / 11 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv 1 Polar Star of Roseville
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 Venivici Fantastico
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Virunga Alike Sir Yvanhoe
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Xvirunga aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Res. CACIB Dangerfreak`s Running Bear
(Ch. Dangerfreak´s Van Damme x Ch. Dangerfreak`s Celine Dion)


Jugendklasse 2/2
V 1 Venivici Fame of Glory
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
SG 2 Velvet Feet Happiness 
(Enchant Twilight Charmer x Venivici Angel for Velvet Feet)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Venivici Dolce Vita BOB & 2.BIG
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Offene Klasse 4/4
V 1 Res. CACIB Sweety von der Zollgasse 
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zuschi aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Tootsie Star of Fool`s Paradise
(Ch. Reata`s Como las Condes x Fool`s Pride of the Cuddle Corner)
V 3 Dreamdancer`s Cest la vie 
(Ch. Not for Sale aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Georgina vom Blütenparadies)
V 4 Pole-Position`s Joy
(Ch. Pole-Position`s Famous Sir Toby x Pole-Position`s Elisa Doolittle)

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CACIB St. Gallen/CH, 21.05.2005

Richterin: G. Cook (Australien)    11 Hunde gemeldet / 11 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv 1 Polar Star of Roseville
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
Jugendklasse 1/1
SG 1 Venivici Fantastico
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Virunga Alike Sir Yvanhoe
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Xvirunga aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Res. CACIB Dangerfreak`s Running Bear
(Ch. Dangerfreak´s Van Damme x Ch. Dangerfreak`s Celine Dion)


Jugendklasse 2/2
SG 1 Venivici Fame of Glory
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
SG 2 Velvet Feet Happiness 
(Enchant Twilight Charmer x Venivici Angel for Velvet Feet)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Venivici Dolce Vita BOB & 3.BIG
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Offene Klasse 4/4
V 1 Res. CACIB Sweety von der Zollgasse 
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zuschi aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Pole-Position`s Joy
(Ch. Pole-Position`s Famous Sir Toby x Pole-Position`s Elisa Doolittle)
V 3 Dreamdancer`s Cest la vie 
(Ch. Not for Sale aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Georgina vom Blütenparadies)
SG 4 Tootsie Star of Fool`s Paradise
(Ch. Reata`s Como las Condes x Fool`s Pride of the Cuddle Corner)

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CACIB Berghem/NL, 27.05.2005

Richter: Mr. Reinders (Niederlande)


V 1 Res. CACIB Res. CAC Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
SG 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
SG 2 Youandi Hugo Boss
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Youandi en Vogue)
SG 3 Brwyn`s Teddy Roosevelt
V 1 CACIB CAC Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd  BOB & 2. BIG
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)


Offene Klasse
V 1 Res. CACIB Youandi Limited Edition
(Ch. Shaggy Danes Sir Lancelot x Youandi Lots of Fun)
V 2 Ciao Bella aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Emmerson aus der Boverheide x Xmaswish aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 1 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
V 1 Res. CAC Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
V 1 CACIB CAC Arconina of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Qitina of Snowboot Bears)

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Euro OES Show/DK, 15.05.2005

Richter Jugend-, Senior- & Veteranenklasse: Ray Owen (England)
Richterin Zwischen-, Offene- & Championklasse: Jilly Bennett (Frankreich)

Insgesamt 120 Hunde gemeldet


vv 1 Dreamdancer`s Espresso   Best Baby
(Ch. Zollfrei aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Dreamdancer`s Bopper Girl)
vv 2 All for One of Oliver`s Folly
(Ch. Nestor Burma of Mary People x Ruby Tuesday of Oliver`s Folly)
vv 1 Samson von den Blue Zottel´s
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s)
vv 2 Follow Me Now and Forever
(Nabucco of roseville x Ellegance Lady Now and Forever)
V 1 Zottel`s Ice on Ice
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Zottel`s Yours Truly)
V 2 Youandi Hugo Boss
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Youandi en Vogue)
V 3 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Black Jack
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
V 4 Argovian Embraceable You
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom)
V 1 Call Me Blue of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Vampy Girl of Snowboot Bears)
V 2 Bobby Clown`s Curious Clown
(Danish Delight Sophie`s Dirty Harry x Bobby Clown`s Always My Angel)
Offene Klasse
V 1 CAC Big Funny Flashy Fineness BOB & BIS
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Big Funny Cheesy)
V 2 Manrose Power of Love
(Ch. Hibray Action Replay x Ch. Vigilat`s Unique Yazzy Manrose)
V 3 Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd 
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
V 4 Rasputin von den Blue Zottel`s  
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
V 1 Danish Delight Formula One
(Ch. Kikki Malou China Panda von Sinhali x Ch. Danish Delight Sophies Daughter)
V 2 Bugaboo´s Lord of Gold
(Rollingsea Loveable Lucas x Bugaboo`s Heaven Can Wait)
V 3 Wiggle Scamp`s Baron Bailey
(Bizzeboots Quarterback x Trackery Island`s Happy-Go Amy)
V 4 Danish Delight Free Enterprise
(Ch. Kikki Malou China Panda von Sinhali x Ch. Danish Delight Sophies Daughter)
V 1 Blockhead`s Knockout  Best Senior
(Grey Coat`s Put-Up Pow-Wow x Kontiki aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Ch. Checkpoint Charlie`s Action Painter
(Ch. Sparkle Square`s Last Gossip x Ch. Ypsilotte aus der Alten Noris)
V 3 Old Cobbler`s Absence of Mind
(Drover´s Prince Charming x Strawberry)
V 1 Larando`s Higgledy-Piggledy
(Fluffy Cotton Cloud x Wild Frisian`s Dancing in the Dark)
V 2 Joop of Roseville
(Sweet Bobby aus der Alten Noris x Ebony and Ivory`s Earl Grey)


vv 1 Lykkegarden`s Highlights 2005
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Gentle Georgia from Beautiful Highland)
vv 2 Checkpoint Charlie`s Our Delight Ophelia
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Needles and Pins aus der Alten Noris)
vv 1 Arizona aus dem Rotmaintal   Best Puppy
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
vv 2 Pixie of Roseville
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
vv 3 Amy aus dem Rotmaintal   
(Ch. Tumbleweed Valubal Laredo x Ch. Silvery Bear Göd Ninoschka)
vv 4 Free In Harmony Now and Forever
(Nabucco of roseville x Ellegance Lady Now and Forever)
V 1 Trackery Island`s Odessa
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Trackery Island`s Madonna)
V 2 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
V 3 Sound Solution Fast Frida
(Ch. Manrose Power of Love x Ch. Argovian Cinnamon Delight)
V 4 Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 1 Aryakas Cayatis
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Fan Fell for Happiness)
V 2 Sweety von der Zollgasse   
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zuschi aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 Sweet Expression´s Circus Circus 
(Ch. Drover´s Special Edition x Miss Moneypenny Can`t Take it Easy)
V 4 Blockhead`s Tiny Diamond
(Ch. Lambluv`s Sound of Music x Ch. Blockhead`s Priscilla)
Offene Klasse
V 1 CAC Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s   BOS
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
V 2 Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland)
V 3 Qntal aus der Alten Noris
(Ch. Familytree Deep Blue Sea x Keep on Loving You aus der Alten Noris)
V 4 Manrose Angelina
(Ch. Manrose Power of Love x Ch. Bobbington Kiss Curl)
V 1 Argovian Cherry Blossom
(Krisendaw Silver Steel at Shaggylands x Ch. Pennylane Love`n Kisses)
V 2 Venivici Dolce Vita
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
V 3 An Ka Wo`s Ce-Pu Milleniums Event
(Dizzny`s Wynn´s Coonawarra x An Ka Wo`s El-Pa Ceceley)
V 4 Glorious Feeling from Beautiful Highland 
(Cathy`s Clown Call to Glorie x Ch. Fergie from Beautiful Highland)
V 1 Ch. Bobbington Kiss Curl
(Ch. Bobbington Latin Lover x Ch. Lamedazottel Kiss`n Tell at Bobbington)
V 1 Danish Delight`s Sophie`s Breezy I Am
(Old Fashion Star Preformer x Ch. Lamedazottel Go Miss Sophie)
V 2 Larando´s Harvest Moon
(Fluffy Cotton Cloud x Wild Frisian`s Dancing in the Dark)

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CACIB Arnheim/NL, 14.05.2005

Richterin: H. Assenmacher-Feyel


Offene Klasse
V 1 Vigilat`s Footprint in the Tunnel
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
V 1 Born to Be Wild from Rocky`s Destiney
(I`m a Crazy Boy of the Wobbling Sound x Bottom Shaker Revolution)
SG 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 1 CACIB CAC Borsalino aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal   
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Res. CACIB Res. CAC Image Unique on the Road Again
(Youandi Hit the Road x Image Unique Amazing Dusty)
V 3 Emmerson aus der Boverheide 
(Ch. XMcLaren aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Bambi aus der Boverheide)


Offene Klasse
V 1 Gently Greta aus der Boverheide 
(Ch. Argovian A Step Back the Roots x Bambi aus der Boverheide)
V 2 Image Unique Poetry in Motion
(Special Paint Sanka Wobbling Sound x Image Unique Against all Odds)
V 3 Ciao Bella aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Emmerson aus der Boverheide x Xmaswish aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 1 CACIB CAC Creditcard aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal  BOB
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Now Available aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Res. CACIB Res. CAC Glückselig for your Eyes only
(Ch. Y`Rigoletto aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Yetsetter aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 1 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
SG 2 Family Friend Hopelessy Addicted  
(Ch.  Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Dazzling Dodger`s Luna Tic)
V 1 Arconica of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Qitina of Snowboot Bears)

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CACIB Leiden/NL, 23.04.2005

Richter: A. Beenen (Niederlande)        12 Hunde gemeldet / 12 anwesend


Jugendklasse 2/2
V 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Youandi Hugo Boss
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Youandi en Vogue)
Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Res. CAC Res. CACIB Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC CACIB Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd  BOB
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)


Jugendklasse 3/3
V 1 CAC Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
V 3 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Res. CAC CACIB Cockpit aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Zottel´s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Y`Lookalike aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 Ciao Bella aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Emmerson aus der Boverheide x Xmaswish aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Glückselig for your Eyes only
(Ch. Y`Rigoletto aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Yetsetter aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 Brwyn`s Welkom
(Ch. Brwyn`s Made Kehrfull in Heaven x Brwyn`s Old Fashioned Girl)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 Res.CACIB Arconica of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Qitina of Snowboot Bears)

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CACIB Goes/NL, 10.04.2005

Richter: E. Bakker-vd Woestijne (Niederlande)        12 Hunde gemeldet / 12 anwesend


Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CAC
Vigilat`s Footprint in the Tunnel
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
V 2 Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
Championklasse 1/1
Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd  BOB & 6.BIG
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)


Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv Family Friend Hopelessy Addicted  
(Ch.  Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Dazzling Dodger`s Luna Tic)
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 Ciao Bella aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Emmerson aus der Boverheide x Xmaswish aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Glückselig for your Eyes only
(Ch. Y`Rigoletto aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Yetsetter aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 Brwyn`s Welkom
(Ch. Brwyn`s Made Kehrfull in Heaven x Brwyn`s Old Fashioned Girl)
Jugendklasse 2/2
V 1 CAC Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
SG 2 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CAC
Boheme aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal   
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Res. CACIB Arconina of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Qitina of Snowboot Bears)

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CACIB Wieselburg/A, 10.04.2005

Richterin: Eleonore Singer (Österreich)        9 Hunde gemeldet / 9 anwesend


Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC-J Shaggy Blue Bob`s Black Jack
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Argovian Embraceable You
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom)
V 2 Silvery Bear Göd Scout
(Happy Panda´s Sound of Silence x Silvery Bear Göd Moonflower)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Nabucco of Roseville  
(Ch. Argovian All On Board x Liberty of Roseville)
V 2 Venivici Da Vinci
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Bugaboo`s Big Puffy Daddy  BOB, BIG & Res. Best of Day
(Ch. Beaumonts Blame It On Bugaboo x Ch. Bugaboo`s Be Style`n)


Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv Pixie of Roseville
(Ch. Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Liberty of Roseville)
Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC-J Shaggy Blue Bob`s Chart Breaker
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light)
Offene Klasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)

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CACIB Leeuwarden/NL, 28.03.2005

Richter: W. van Deijl (Niederlande)   


SG 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
SG 2 Youandi Hugo Boss
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Youandi en Vogue)
V 1 CACIB Vigilat`s Footprint in the Tunnel
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
V 2 Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
Offene Klasse
V 1 Sparkle Square`s Impression
(Ch. Trademark`s Stop`n Stare x Ch. Trademark`s Dressed to Impress)
V 1 Res. CACIB Image Unique on the Road Again
(Youandi Hit the Road x Image Unique Amazing Dusty)


vv Family Friend Hopelessy Addicted   Best Puppy
(Ch.  Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd x Dazzling Dodger`s Luna Tic)
V 1 Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear BOB & 3.BIG
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
SG 2 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
SG 3 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
V 1 Res.CACIB Cockpit aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Zottel´s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Y`Lookalike aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Shagaragged Chanoine
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Bright Bear`s Bellefon)
SG 3 Image Unique Poetry in Motion
(Special Paint Sanka Wobbling Sound x Image Unique Against all Odds)
Offene Klasse
V 1 Youandi Live Life to the Max
(Ch. Allmark Ralph Lauren x Youandi Femme Fatal)
V 1 CACIB Boheme aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal   
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)

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CACIB Luxemburg/L, 26.03.2005

Richter: M. Zidar (Slowenien)        31 Hunde gemeldet / 27 anwesend


V 1 Hubbabubba aus der Boverheide
(Ch. Not for Sale aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Bambi aus der Boverheide)
V 2 Vigilat`s Footprint in the Tunnel
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
V 1 Curly Boy de Romanico
(Ch. A. Bocelli de Romanico x Ch. Zabaione de Romanico)
V 2 Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
SG 3 Great Max aus der Boverheide 
(Ch. Argovian A Step Back the Roots x Bambi aus der Boverheide)
Gut Wind of Change Danny de Vito
(Ch. Vainqueur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ytraviata aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
Offene Klasse
V 1 CACIB Borsalino aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal   
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Crystabelle`s American Pie
(Ch. Zottel`s X-mas Cracker x Crystabelle`s Talisman Dream)
V 1 Res. CACIB Reata`s Como las Condes
(Ch. Danish Delight Sophie`s Dutch Joker x Ch. Reata`s Arvantgarde)
V 2 Noble Man of Roseville  
(Ch. Argovian All On Board x Liberty of Roseville)
V 3 Enchant Stargazer Blue
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Mayberry`s Wonder)


vv Dollydot of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Quincee Jones of Fool`s Paradise x Zamaya of Snowboot Bears)
V 1 Brwyn`s Heavely Hugs Teddy Bear Bester Junghund
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Happy Hippo aus der Boverheide
(Ch. Not for Sale aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Bambi aus der Boverheide)
V 3 Argovian Eyecatching Evita
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom)
V 4 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
V 1 Cockpit aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Zottel´s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Y`Lookalike aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
SG 2 Curly Sue de Romanico
(Ch. A. Bocelli de Romanico x Ch. Zabaione de Romanico)
Offene Klasse
V 1 Dream of Paradise Bitter Sweet Memorie
(Happy Panda´s Nicodemo x French Kiss from Beautiful Highland)
V 2 Bonnie de Romanico
(Ch. Vainqueur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zottel`s Woman in Love)
V 3 Snowboots Into the Light 
(Ch. Zottel`s Womanizer x Ch. Snowboots Flying Colours)
V 4 Ytraviata aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. XMcLaren aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Forever Emily aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 1 CACIB Brwyn`s Lamborghini Miura    BOB & 3.BIG
(Cathy`s Clown Call to Glorie x Brwyn`s Who Wants to Live Forever)
V 2 Res. CACIB Boheme aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal   
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 All For You of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Reata`s Como las Condos x Ch. Shaggy of Snowbbot Bears)
V 4 Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland)

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CACIB Zagreb/HR, 20.03.2005

Richter: Hans Lehtinen (Finnland)        9 Hunde gemeldet / 9 anwesend


Zwischenklasse 1/1
SG 1 Reata`s I`m Pixie
(Ch. Lamedazottel Quicksilver x  Reata`s Carisma)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Rasputin von den Blue Zottel`s  
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
SG 2 Venivici Da Vinci
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Bugaboo`s Big Puffy Daddy  BOB, BIG & Res. Best in Show
(Ch. Beaumonts Blame It On Bugaboo x Ch. Bugaboo`s Be Style`n)


Jugendklasse 2/2
V 1 CAC-J Shaggy Blue Bob`s Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
Disqualifiziert Nera
(Reata`s Freqent Flyer x Cindy Love Torcidien)
Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Res. CACIB Qntal aus der Alten Noris
(Ch. Familytree Deep Blue Sea x Keep on Loving You aus der Alten Noris)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s  
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
V 2 Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)

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CACIB Zagreb/HR, 19.03.2005

Richter: Anatoli Zhuk            10 Hunde gemeldet / 10 anwesend


Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Reata`s I`m Pixie
(Ch. Lamedazottel Quicksilver x  Reata`s Carisma)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Venivici Da Vinci
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
V 2 Rasputin von den Blue Zottel`s  
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Bugaboo`s Big Puffy Daddy  BOB, BIG & Best in Show
(Ch. Beaumonts Blame It On Bugaboo x Ch. Bugaboo`s Be Style`n)
Veteranenklasse 1/1
1. Platz Ch. Reata`s A1
(Ch. Lamedazottel High`n Mighty x Ch. Lamedazottel Kiss Me Quick)


Jugendklasse 2/2
V 1 CAC-J Shaggy Blue Bob`s Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
V 2 Nera
(Reata`s Freqent Flyer x Cindy Love Torcidien)
Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Qntal aus der Alten Noris
(Ch. Familytree Deep Blue Sea x Keep on Loving You aus der Alten Noris)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Rapunzel von den Blue Zottel`s  
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Nesthäckchen von den Blue Zottel`s)
V 2 Res. CACIB Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)

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Crufts Birmingham/GB, 13.03.2005

Richterin: Maureen Cowie (England)


Special Veteran Dog 4/1
1st Alleeloons Tommy Twitchit at Alisheen
(Baggybush Hemlock x Ragglebarn Flora Finching)
Special Puppy Dog 3/2
1st Molyneux Magic Moments
2nd Mophill Good When Wet
Special Junior Dog 6/4
1st Brinkley Sir Jonny
(Ch. Barkshire`s Born in the USA with Brinkley x Ch. Brinkley Rosey Blue)
2nd Zottel`s Hot Favourite
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Ch. Zottel`s Wildest Dreams)
3rd Vigilat`s Footprint in the Tunnel
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
Res Mellowdee Showman
Special Yearling Dog 11/6
1st Gojolega Ready to Rumble
(Ch. Shimorill Look at Me x Ch. Gojolega Proud Alice)
2nd Hibray Rockabilly
3rd Ambleoak Inspector Morse for Brushstroke
Res Maritime Blue
Post Graduate Dog 17/13
1st Dalewood Hocus Pocus
2nd Amblesea Trailblazer
(Ch. Amblehart Arch Chancellor x Ch. Krisendaw Temptation of Amblesea)
3rd Gojolega Ready to Rumble
(Ch. Shimorill Look at Me x Ch. Gojolega Proud Alice)
Res Beauvallon Philanderer 
(Half N Half on the Bounty x Beauvallon Love Potion)
Limit Dog 12/11
1st Res. CC Pockethall Buckle My Shoe
2nd Sumirick Beam Me Up Scotty
(Oakfarm Crackerjack x Ambashan Peggy Sue)
3rd Gillijen the Professional
Res. Ambleoak Starchaser
(Eynhallow Ghost Dance x Kayashi Dreams are Free)
Open Dog 19/12
1st  CC Ch. Zottel`s You Don`t Fool Me BOB & Res. Best in Group
(Ch. Lamedazottel Flamboyant x Ch. Lamedazottel Only You)
2nd Barkshire Born in the USA with Brinkley
(Ch. Barkshire Secret Agent x Ch. Barkshire Moody Blues)
3rd Ch. Dalewood Down Under
(Eynhallow Ghost Dance x Ch. Dalewood Goodie Two Shoes)
Res Paintaway Big Brother
(Dalewood Down Under x Paintaway English Rose)
Good Cit Dog 6/4
1st Alleeloons Tommy Twitchit at Alisheen
(Baggybush Hemlock x Ragglebarn Flora Finching)
2nd Zottel´s Zip Along
(Ch. Zottel`s You Don`t Fool Me x Zottel´s Waltzing Matilda)
3rd Aranadur Another Hero
(Oldoak Commitment x Sibresha That´s Life of Aranadur)
Res Breedonhill Gem Connection


Special Veteran Bitch 6/6
1st Ch. AllmarkPillow Talk of KindaMagic
(Ch. Lamedazottel Keep Cool x Allmark Obsession)
2nd Dalewood Start-In-Over
(Ch. Dalewood Mr. Mistoffeles x Ch. Dalewood Smarty Pants)
3rd Carave Career Girl at Meisan
(Ch. Lamedazottel Keep Cool x Venator Lleo of Carave)
Res Arlils Magic Moments at Bobsacres
(Shapod Knight in Blue x Arlils Springtime)
Special Puppy Bitch 11/9
1st Brinkley Miss World  Best Puppy
2nd Brinkley Georgina Rose at Nushayp
3rd Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
Res Meisan Moonlight Serenade
Special Junior Bitch 9/6
1st Zottel`s High Society
(Ch. Reata`s Class Two Thousand x Ch. Zottel`s Wildest Dreams)
2nd Bobbington Fly Free at Amblehart
(Ch. Amblehart Arch Chancellor x Ch. Bovaron My Fair Lady of Bobbington)
3rd Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
Res Brinkley Truly Scrumptious at Macopa 
(Ch. Macopa Dark`N Stormy x Brinkley Teddy Girl)
Special Yearling Bitch 10/10
1st Cockpit aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Zottel´s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Y`Lookalike aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
2nd Ch. Henley Dancing Belle
3rd Bovaron Pennies from Heaven at HalfnHalf
Res Sweet Expression´s Circus Circus 
(Ch. Drover´s Special Edition x Miss Moneypenny Can`t Take it Easy)
Post Graduate Bitch 20/14
1st Dalewood PipSqueak
(Eynhallow Ghost Dance x Ch. Dalewood Goodie Two Shoes)
2nd Dalewood been there dun that for Lakenham
(Eynhallow Ghost Dance x Ch. Dalewood Goodie Two Shoes)
3rd Make My Moment at Kerjalee
(Ch. Kerjalee Arnie Boy at Wildahar x Wot a Cracker)
Res Dalewood Wicked
(Eynhallow Ghost Dance x Ch. Dalewood Goodie Two Shoes)
Limit Bitch 9/2
1st Lammorick Suzy Sunshine
(Ch. Zottel`s You Don`t Fool Me x Lammorick Sea Breeze)
2nd Kerjalee Silver Laces at Wookeyhill
(Krisendaw Silver Steel at Shaggylands x Kerjalee La La´s Moments)
3rd Auldhelm My Gift to Cillastyle
(Ch. Brinkley Heartbreaker of Beauvallon x Auldhelm by Special Request)
Res Starjanda Memories Of Love at Millwinkie
(Oldoak Commitment x Millwinkie Addicted to Love for Starjander)
Open Bitch 30/17
1st CC Kerjalee Silver Bangle at Twopec
(Krisendaw Silver Steel at Shaggylands x Kerjalee La La´s Moments)
2nd Res. CC Ch. Arconina of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Qitina of Snowboot Bears)
3rd Zottel`s Encore
(Ch. Zottel`s You Don`t Fool Me x Zottel´s Waltzing Matilda)
Res Kerjalee Dream Maker at Bridoreen
(Kerjalee Joe Cool x Kerjalee Lala`s Moments)
Good Cit Bitch 7/3
1st Bovaron Pennies from Heaven at HalfnHalf
2nd Dalewood Design with Style
3rd Oldoak Dolly Daydream
(Oldoak Strikes Back x Oldoak Precious Memory)

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CACIB Graz/A, 06.03.2005

Richter: Gerhard Prenner (Österreich)    21 Hunde gemeldet / 20 anwesend


Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv Amadeus vom Hause Neubauer
(Barking Bobby`s Right Said Fred x Fiona von den Mammutbäumen)
Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC-J Dulcet Fellow of Castle Country
(Ch. Lambluv`s Sound of Music x Enchant Talk of the Town)
Offene Klasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Dangerfreak`s Running Bear
(Ch. Dangerfreak´s Van Damme x Ch. Dangerfreak`s Celine Dion)
V 2 Barking Bobby`s Right Said Fred
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
Championklasse 3/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Reata`s Como Las Condes 
(Ch. Danish Delight Sophie`s Dutch Joker x Ch. Reata`s Arvantgarde)
V 2 Venivici Da Vinci
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
Veteranenklasse 1/1
bewertet Ch. Argovian A Step Back The Roots 
(Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland x Ch. Pennylane Love`n Kisses)


Jugendklasse 4/4
V 1 CAC-J Shaggy Blue Bob`s Chart Breaker
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light)
V 2 Silvery Bear Göd Summernight Dream
(Happy Panda´s Sound of Silence x Silvery Bear Göd Moonflower)
SG 3 Velvet Feet Honeymoon
(Enchant Twilight Charmer x Venivici Angel for Velvet Feet)
SG 4 Doreen a Queen of Castle Country
(Ch. Lambluv`s Sound of Music x Enchant Talk of the Town)
Zwischenklasse 2/2
V 1 Enchant Very Important Person 
(Ch. Argovian All On Board x Mayberry`s Wonder)
SG 2 Enchant Viva Victoria
(Ch. Argovian All On Board x Mayberry`s Wonder)
Offene Klasse 5/5
V 1 Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
V 2 Dangerfreak`s Quite One Vision
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Dangerfreak`s I Believe I Can Fly)
V 3 Silvery Bear Göd Rosalie 
(Ch. Ike aus dem Rotmaintal x Silvery Bear Göd Jessica)
V 4 Enchant Talk of the Town
(Ch. Enchant Happy Heartbreaker x Enchant Queen of Hearts)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland   BOB
(Ch. Barkshire`s Sweet Justice x Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland)
V 2 Res. CACIB Pole Position`s Guardian Angel
(Ch. Reata`s Como las Condes x Pole Position`s Cheerleader)

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CACIB Zuid-Laren/NL, 06.03.2005

Richter: John Wauben (Niederlande)      11 Hunde gemeldet / 11 anwesend


Offene Klasse 1/1
V 1 Res. CACIB Vigilat`s Footprint in the Tunnel
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Ch. Latina Lavigi)
Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
Jugendklasse 1/1
SG 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Vigilat`s Dear Tomte Tummetodd  BOB
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Ch. Latina Lavigi)


Zwischenklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Sweet Expression´s Circus Circus  BOS
(Ch. Drover´s Special Edition x Miss Moneypenny Can`t Take it Easy)
Jugendklasse 4/4
V 1 Brwyn`s Heavenly Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
SG 3 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
SG 4 Wunderschön`s Roxanne
(Ch. Shaggy Danes Sir Lancelot x Bright Bear`s Affined Wunderschöns)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Boheme aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal   
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Sweet Expression`s As You Can See
(Ch. Youandi Surprise Surprise x Miss Moneypenny can`t Take it Easy)

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CAC Luxemburg/L, 20.02.2005

Richterin: Christiane Bröcker (Luxemburg)         22 Hunde gemeldet / 20 anwesend


Jugendklasse 1/1
V1 CAC-J Curly Boy de Romanico
(Ch. A. Bocelli de Romanico x Ch. Zabaione de Romanico)
Zwischenklasse 3/2
V 1 CAC Wind of Change Danny de Vito
(Ch. Vainqueur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ytraviata aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
Genügend Call Me Blue of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Vampy Girl of Snowboot Bears)
Offene Klasse 4/3
V 1 CAC Great Max aus der Boverheide 
(Ch. Argovian A Step Back the Roots x Bambi aus der Boverheide)
V 2 Borsalino aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 Wind of Change Adventure of Ashley
(Ch. KeepSmiling Willy from West-Germany x Ohio from West-Germany)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CAC Dream of Paradise Blue Diamond Bester Rüde, BOB & Best in Show
(Happy Panda´s Nicodemo x French Kiss from Beautiful Highland)
Ehrenklasse 1/1
1.Platz A. Bocelli de Romanico
(Ch. Vainqueur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Quint Essenz from West-Germany)


Jüngstenklasse 1/1
vv Deva de Romanico
(Ch. Vainqueur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zottel`s Woman in Love)
Jugendklasse 4/4
V 1 CAC-J Creditcard aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal 
(Ch. Zottel`s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Now Available aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Dirty Mind of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Y`Wild Thing of Snowboot Bears)
SG 3 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Behind Blue Eyes
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Ice and Fire von Adam´s Zotteln)
SG 4 Shaggy Blue Bob`s Chart Breaker
(Ch. Reata`s Cosmopolitan x Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light)
Zwischenklasse 3/3
V 1 CAC Cockpit aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Zottel´s X-Mas Cracker x Ch. Y`Lookalike aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Gently Greta aus der Boverheide 
(Ch. Argovian A Step Back the Roots x Bambi aus der Boverheide)
SG 3 Curly Sue de Romanico
(Ch. A. Bocelli de Romanico x Ch. Zabaione de Romanico)
Offen Klasse 4/4
V 1 CAC Zottel`s Encore Beste Hündin
(Ch. Zottel`s You Don`t Fool Me x Zottel´s Waltzing Matilda)
V 2 Dream of Paradise Bitter Sweet Memorie
(Happy Panda´s Nicodemo x French Kiss from Beautiful Highland)
V 3 Barking Bobby`s Ray of Light  
(Ch. Zottel`s Xmas Cracker x Barking Bobby`s Puppet on the String)
V 4 Bonnie de Romanico
(Ch. Vainqueur aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zottel`s Woman in Love)

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CACIB Fribourg/CH, 13.02.2005

Richter: Claus Peter Fricke        7 Hunde gemeldet / 7 anwesend


Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Noble Man of Roseville
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Liberty of Roseville)
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Talisker of Oliver`s Folly
(Denyvette`s Poly x Ch. Naomi Campbell of Oliver`s Folly)
V 2 Nabucco of Roseville
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Liberty of Roseville)
V 3 Venivici Figaro
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)


Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 CACIB Venivici Dolce Vita BOB
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
V 2 Res. CACIB Pole-Position`s Joy
(Ch. Pole-Position`s Famous Sir Toby x Pole-Position`s Elisa Doolittle)
V 3 Manrose Angelina
(Ch. Manrose Power of Love x Ch. Bobbington Kiss Curl)

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CACIB Fribourg/CH, 12.02.2005

Richterin: E. Mosimann (Schweiz)        11 Hunde gemeldet / 11 anwesend


Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 Argovian Embraceable You
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 CACIB Virunga Alike Sir Yvanhoe
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Xvirunga aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 Noble Man of Roseville
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Liberty of Roseville)
Offene Klasse4/4
V 1 Res. CACIB Venivici Figaro
(Ch. Pennylane Vangelis x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)
V 2 Talisker of Oliver`s Folly
(Denyvette`s Poly x Ch. Naomi Campbell of Oliver`s Folly)
V 3 Nabucco of Roseville
(Ch. Argovian All on Board x Liberty of Roseville)
V 4 Scamp Believed Tramp from Clear Spring
(Humphrey Boggart de Claire Source x Insensee de Claire Source)


Jugendklasse 1/1
V 1 Argovian Emotional Affair
(Ch. Lambluv Sound of Music x Ch. Argovian Cherry Blossom)
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 CACIB Manrose Angelina  BOB
(Manrose Power of Love x Ch. Bobbington Kiss Curl)
V 2 Res. CACIB Sweety von der Zollgasse   
(Ch. Yourstruly aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Zuschi aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 3 Venivici Dolce Vita
(Ch. Reata`s A1 x Ch. Argovian A Sugar Kiss)

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CACIB Eindhoven/NL, 29.01.2005

Richter: R. Vanhoenacker (Belgien)        12 Hunde gemeldet / 12 anwesend


Jugendklasse 1/1
SG 1 Brwyn`s Friends Forever
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
Offene Klasse 3/3
V 1 Res. CACIB Brwyn`s Mohawk
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
V 2 Brwyn`s Yuchi
(Ch. Jasmist in the Tunnel of Love x Brwyn`s Own Heaven)
V 3 Call Me Blue of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. All in One da Quinta D`Abrueira x Ch. Vampy Girl of Snowboot Bears)
Championklasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Emmerson aus der Boverheide BOB & 5.BIG
(Ch. XMcLaren aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Bambi aus der Boverheide)


Jugendklasse 4/4
V 1 Brwyn`s Heavenly Hugs Teddy Bear
(Ch. Karlo von den Blue Zottel`s x Ch. Brwyn´s Lamborghini Miura)
V 2 Glückselig for your Eyes only
(Ch. Y`Rigoletto aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal x Ch. Yetsetter aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
SG 3 Law of Love Take it from the Boys
(Ch. Xchyne of Snowboot Bears x Sparkle Square´s Fashion Award)
SG 4 Trackery Island`s Odessa
(Dizzny`s Artful Dodger x Trackery Island`s Madonna)
Offene Klasse 1/1
V 1 CACIB Ciao Bella aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
(Ch. Emmerson aus der Boverheide x Xmaswish aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
Championklasse 2/2
V 1 Res. CACIB Boheme aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal   
(Ch. Dreamdancer`s Ballantines x Ch. Xolidgold aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal)
V 2 All For You of Snowboot Bears
(Ch. Reata`s Como las Condos x Ch. Shaggy of Snowbbot Bears)

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